Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Please give me some advice on my speech!The topic is LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT?

I need your help,please!I have to attend a speech competion,but I have no idea of the topic LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT.Though it is very dull,I still want to win it.Please give me some advice on my speech!The topic is LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT?
what a wonderful topic.you can talk hours and hours about this.as a soul you enter this physical relam with a pre written chart to overcome your deficiencies, to learn and grow,what matters the most is,if you are in hormony with your soul purpose and your path,living a simple life is the essence,how true you are to yourself and to others ,matters the most,and remember life is not about winnig or losing,is about giving it your best,one final thing:

life is not about having what you want,is about wanting what you have,

may love and peace upon you

*ps:hopfully this will stimulate your mind and puts in a right track to write your speechPlease give me some advice on my speech!The topic is LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT?
give lots of personal examples, and make the listener want to seize the day once you have finished!

Oh, and try not to use any Bushisms...
give motivational examples, present yourself well (confident and put together), speak clearly and not too fast.
Start from the other end of life - what is it important to be remembered for. This is why, LIWYMOI, will you be remember to be the best mom in the world or the one that cured AIDS or stopped Sahara, there are values in it all. What will you have on your memory card of your kids and their kids.

God luck

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