i agree with summertime mom
leave him, don't look back,
you deserve someone better,
someone like me....(ouch! my girlfriend just gave me a whack on the head...)
anyway, try hookin'up with someone else, just make sure to do a background check on him.
if you're not ready for that yet, try getting urself okupied wid other things like work or something.
here's another option, go to ur home country, and change ur identity, and then go to asia or someplace like that.
hope i could be of great help....Any advice on how to start a new life away from an abusive relationship?
there are hot lines for this, look them up via
internet ( I found one in Wildwood NJ via internet)
all I can say is leave %26amp; don't look back
best of luck
Find a new, nice affordable place. Get involved into: a) seeing other people or b) lots of work = whatever works better for you. Spend some you-time, learn about you and what is that made you got where you are. Do not think about your ex, get a pet or someone new. Being in another country has some advantages for someone going through that, but will mostly put additional strain on you, lean onto your friends. If you don't have them, find ;em. If you feel life is slipping through your hands, seek professional help. Good luck!
There are shelters for ppl in abusive relationships and they can lead you on the right path to escape him for good. Go to counselling to get through the horrible life you've had to live...they also can guide you on the right path to have a Safe Life*
There are many support groups you can go to..where other woman have survived and moved on with their life*
Stay strong..Don't Return to him Ever*........You can do this* Keep on Smiln*
go and make nice friends or who dont abuse when u saw them u ll also stop abuse or get marry
Contact your local shelter or women's counseling center; they will have all the information you'll need to get away safely.
Once you've escaped and are really ready to start over, make a list of all the things you've wanted to do but were unable to because of him. Then, go and do them one by one - and enjoy them greatly!
I rode horses on a beach, sailed on a tall ship, earned another Master's degree, drove around the country and met new people - and I enjoyed everything I chose to do.
Leave now; a better, more enjoyable life is waiting!
Leave all you past memories with yuor ex and start moving on and make a new and better life with others.
I'm so glad to hear you left... that's a good start... I don't know your financial situation......leaving the area entirely would be the best route. Look on the net to see what type of housing and support there is in your area for spousal abused people. There is housing to hide from him... along with options and excellent advise with step by step on how to get started. What the next steps are to take... and so on... They are the experts and know the laws for your area.
When you do get your own place......Have your new phone number UNLISTED for starters, that way he cant find your new address. Get an apartment where utilities are included so you name doesn't show up on any type of bills. I don't know how sneaky he is.
Now about your job. Try to get another if its one that you dont really like. Or let your'e co-workers know what has happened, the more they know the better they will be able to help protect you.
The most important thing now is to make sure you are okay. Deal with any feelings you have about your ex, because you don't want to bring all that junk into any relationship you may want to start. Once you have dealt with all the emotional issues get herself in church let God continue to heal you where you hurt. Meet new people, get to know the people in the church you will be surprise at the nice Godly men there is in church looking to start new Godly relationship.
I'm Praying For You..
Well you could try to do things where he can not see where you are going make sure you clean up evidence so he can not find out where you are going. That is a very scary thing to do and to get away is hard but try your hardest and I really hope you get away from him. You must deserve better and I wish you best best best of luck.
Just get ur luggage and important numbers of your friends or relatives , jump aboard and run but before that get yourself a job and accommdation.Everything needs to be planned including escaping!
If there are no children involved simply leave and have no further contact whatsoever with the abuser. Do not in any way provide the abuser a means to contact you. The very best thing to do is to get some counseling through the domestic violence organization in your community. They will be able to give you support and ideas of how to cope with your present situation and permanently disengage from the abuser. DO NOT RETURN to the abusive situation no matter how difficult things become. It's obviously better to be very poor than dead.......which is were abuse ultimately leads.
been there, done that.....you need to move forward and not look back....move to a new city/state and find a new job...start over with a clean slate and remember, this is NOT you fault, he is the one with the problem not you...remember that always
Go online, go to clubs, get dolled up and go get you a man, if you believe it you can acheive it.
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